What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google Marketing Platform that allows you to analyze your website traffic by providing statistics and basic analytical tools. The service is completely free and accessible for anyone having a normal Google account.

Winning businesses can’t resist integrating web analytics into their websites because the significance of Google Analytics is enormous in their online presence.

It is no secret that your website plays the role of a digital shop for all of your digital traffic. If you run any marketing activities like search ads or social media ads, your audience will generally visit your website somewhere in their buyer’s journey to check out your offer.

 Here enters the implication of Google web analytics, this tool when integrated with your website allows you to evaluate the efficacy of all the campaigns you are running to promote your product/services online. Once figured out, you can stop soaking your marketing budget by unsuccessful campaigns and utilize it for the winning ones.  

 Google Analytics offers effortless tracking of website accomplishments such as (purchases, adding products to carts), collecting visitor insight, determining the top sources of user traffic, discovering patterns and trends in user engagement, and obtaining visitor demographics. 

How does Google Analytics Work?

Google Analytics provides a Javascript tracking code while signing up for it, which when pasted in the code of your website pages completes the procedure of integration. When someone visits your website the web analytics code in your website records various activities of the user along with the attributes (age, gender, interests) and sends all the obtained data to the Google Analytics server once they exit the website.

Then, Google Analytics aggregates all the collected user information into customizable reports to track and visualize data such as the number of users, bounce rates, sessions by channel, average session durations, page views, goal completions, and more.

Important metrics of Google Analytics

The analytical metric is a quantitative measurement of collected data. Google Analytics facilitates users to track and measure their website performance by offering up to 200 different metrics while these are the most popular metric businesses to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Users – A user is a fresh or new visitor visiting for the first time to your website.

Bounce rate – Bounce rate is the number of single-page visits to your website by visitors. It allows you to know about the visitors who enter your website and exit without committing any different action, like visiting a second page.

Sessions – The group of visitor interaction with your website that occurs within a given time frame window of activity.

Average session duration – It is the time or period an individual visitor lasts at your site.

Pages per session – This metric is the average number of pages viewed by a single visitor in a session.

Goal completions – The number of times visitors perform a specified and desired action. This is also known as a conversion rate.

Total view – A total number of pages viewed in a single day.

This web analytics service by Google is like an extra goldmine digital marketing has to offer in this internet age that traditional marketing doesn’t possess. A highly expensive hoarding across the crowded street can not provide you with the necessary data of the audience to improve your business which a very low-cost Google Analytics compiled website in comparison can do in a second.

That is why today over 50 million websites around the world utilize this Google Analytics tool. If you were unaware of it yet, you should set it up right now without any further delay.