What is Twitter?

What is Twitter?

Twitter is one of the popular online social and news networking platforms — where you can convey your beliefs in brief statements, to users who follow you on Twitter. Posts or short messages on Twitter are called “tweets” and the process of posting is known as “tweeting”. Twitter and Tweeting can also be defined as microblogging.

Sometimes various users on Twitter use it to find out ideal people and brands online to observe their latest updates – tweets. 

Why Is Twitter Popular?

Twitter appears to be appealing because of its scan-friendly nature — you can get engaged with numerous users and consume their content at a glimpse, which proves to be ideal for this current attention-depletion generation.

Twitter makes scan-friendliness practical by employing calculated tweets word length margins — which is restricted to 280 characters or less. The size limitations of tweets alternatively encourage the form of writing in a creative vocabulary, which makes the tweets effortless to consume, and challenging to write. This fast-browsing nature of Twitter made it a popular social networking platform across the world.

How Twitter Functions?

Twitter is simple to operate as both commentator or audience. To join Twitter, you just need to sign up for a free account with a Twitter name, email, and phone number. Once you get registered on Twitter as a user, you’ll be allowed to tweet daily, hourly, or as often as you like. Posting or tweeting on Twitter is extremely straightforward — Get on the ‘What’s Happening’ box following your profile picture, type 280 or fewer characters, and click on Tweet. Your posts reach the feeds of users, who follow you and possibly those who don’t. 

To build up a solid follower base on Twitter, inspire people to follow you and get your tweets in their Twitter feeds, by sharing your account link. Whenever someone follows your account, Twitter propriety asks you to follow them back.

You can receive feeds on Twitter by clicking the Follow button to subscribe to the tweets of users you find interesting (including influencers). If you discover any tweet is not up to the mark of your expectation, you are always allowed to unfollow the user.

You will notice that your Twitter feed is continuously frequently differing over time as people tweet. Twitter enables you to check the real-time trending subjects on the planet or in a specific country.

Why Do People Use Twitter?

Besides sharing their beliefs, people tweet for several varieties of objectives — like marketing and publicity of brands or personal branding. Twitter is believed to be one of the customer support platforms, where folks can tweet about issues they are encountering and get an immediate explanation. Simultaneously Twitter is a huge source of the latest news and informative content.